Almost 2/3 of all adults in the United States use social networking sites such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. Because this is a relatively recent phenomenon (Facebook was only started in 2004), it is used differently by different people. Some people only use it once a week, while others use it minute-by-minute.
You can see that it has already had some effect, however. Many states have passed laws banning the use of hand-held phones in cars, as a number of people checking their social media sites or texting their friends have caused accidents. Social media has even been used as a reason to not hire an applicant or to not go on a date with an individual. What you may not know is that things you post online can affect your case in court.
Divorce lawyers and family law attorneys have used social media posts against their opponents. For example, let's say a man posts a photo on Instagram that could imply he's cheating on his wife. His wife's lawyer can later use the photo as evidence against him. In divorce proceedings, a judge could look on that picture unfavorably and possibly rule in favor of the wife, if she's seeking alimony.
Likewise, a social media site can inform a judge of your level of responsibility. If you're seeking full custody of your children, or at least more visitation time, a foul-mouthed tweet about how much you hate picking up your kids from school will not do you any favors.
Social media has become a new arena for judgment. While in the past people may have assumed you're responsible because you dress well or speak clearly, now they judge you based on your social media profile. If you're thinking of getting a divorce, also consider revising, or even deleting, your social media sites. While you may not have incriminating evidence on your sites now, any bad feelings between yourself and your spouse shouldn't end up there during the divorce.
Contact one of our Cleburne divorce attorneys if you'd like to begin discussing your divorce. Tell us about your situation by calling (817) 567-2899 or filling out our online form. Let our experienced lawyers help you through this difficult time.
Hirsch LLC Reply
Posted Apr 30, 2022 at 01:14:25
Thanks for sharing this useful blog. Keep up the great work.
lawyersonia Reply
Posted Jul 24, 2024 at 05:02:23
Insightful read! Your detailed explanation on social media’s impact on divorce proceedings is eye-opening and highly informative. Thank you!
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